Martina Svobodová

Indigo Tales

Indigo Fairytales

 Indigo Tales is a children's book of nine stories. 

Indigo TalesThe Tales celebrate creativity, freedom and individuality, while proclaiming togetherness and the power of goodness.

The main message – and a thread running throughout the book – is that each and every one of us can build a wonderful world – even without magic. Indeed, the only “magic” is us, our personality, our inner power and the beauty of the world around us.

The book comprises nine short stories, each one featuring a different hero (boys, girls, trees, a steam engine, pixies, animals etc.) and underlining a different moral. 


The nine stories are illustrated by nine artist, each using a different artistic technique (collage, oil, watercolour, ink, real objects int he painting, or even a painting on the velvet).

E-SHOP (currently, in Czech only at the moment)



